This ongoing work about the circus started in 1997 in Milan; sharing the journeys of three Italian circus families: the Franchetti (Circus Barcellona), the Casartelli (Medrano) and the Togni (Darix Togni and American Circus). Year after year, I was able to see new things through the perspective of the big top. The bonds forged inside a small circus family became familiar to me. Sometimes the Circus was transforming itself, becoming exactly how I think it should be: an amalgamation of fantasy and creative power. The Big Top preserves the identity of the circus and is a magical entity. It discloses an unexpected reality to the children in the audience, while revealing to the circus children their own craft and destiny. The journey of the circus is, at the same time, an ancestral journey.
As Fellini said: “…the acrobat, the magician and the lion trainer represent eternal values: force, courage, rigor,physical ability.” But the clown is making fun of us and questioning the human being about the fragility, incoherence and absurdity of life! In order to survive, the Circus has to continue his journey forever, without any limits. This does not only refer to the caravans’ journey, but also the persona, and the role the circus represent. Stepping through the small entrance into the circus is, in a way, as if I am stepping through a small door into my childhood.

A monograph by the same title: “Il Circo” with photographs by Leonardo Pellegatta and aphorism by the Spanish surrealist writer Ramon Gomez de la Serna was presented at Utrecht / NowIdea in Tokyo & NY Art Book Fair in 2009.

The book has been published in 250 copies + 50 limited edition.